Ivanova & al. 2020. Ordinary least squared linear regression model for estimation of zinc in wild edible mushroom …

PDFIvanova M., Radoukova T., Dospatliev L. & Lacheva M. 2020. Ordinary least squared linear regression model for estimation of zinc in wild edible mushroom (Suillus luteus (L.) Roussel) Bulgarian Journal […]


Ivanova & al. 2020. The trace element contents in wild edible mushrooms samples and econometric modeling of data

PDFIvanova M., Lacheva M., Radoukova T., Dospatliev L. 2020. The trace element contents in wild edible mushrooms samples and econometric modeling of data Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 52(A): 53-58. DOI: 10.34049/bcc.52.A.185 […]


Dospatliev & al. 2018. Morchella esculenta growing in Bulgaria …

PDFDospatliev L., Ivanova M., Lacheva M. & Radoukova T. 2018. Morchella esculenta (L.) growing in Bulgaria: chemical profile and hazard index Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 50(4): 538–544 Abstract Morchella esculenta (L.) […]


Stoyanova & al. 2020. Amino acids and carotenoids profile of edible mushrooms …

PDFStoyanova M., Lacheva M., Valchev N., Radoukova T. 2020. Amino acids and carotenoids profile of edible mushrooms (Marasmius oreades and Cantharellus aurora). Oxidation Communications 43(4): 688–698. Abstract Mushrooms are important […]


Dospatliev & al. 2019. Activity concentration of Cs-137 and K-40 in wild edible Craterellus cornucopioides …

PDF Dospatliev L., Lacheva M., Ivanova M. & Radoukova T. 2019. Activity concentration of Cs-137 and K-40 in wild edible Craterellus cornucopioides mushroom gathered 31 years after the Chernobyl power […]


Astraeus hygrometricus

Diplocystaceae: Astraeus hygrometricus /Земна звезда/ [restrict] Всички снимки в галерията са със защитени авторски права. Вижте тук условията за ползване [/restrict]  


Стойчев, 1990. Прахановите гъби (сем. Polyporaceae s.l.) в България

Специализиран научен съвет по ботаника при ВАК Прахановите гъби (сем. Polyporaceae s.l.) в България Георги Тодоров Стойчев Дисертация за получаване на научна степен "Кандидат на Биологичните науки" научна специалност 01.06.24 […]

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