Raycheva 2009. Critical reassessment of the distribution of some taxa of Rumex subgenus Rumex

Raycheva Ts. 2009.
Critical reassessment of the distribution of some taxa of Rumex subgenus Rumex (Polygonaceae) in Bulgaria – 2
Phytologia Balcanica, 15(2): 155-169.

Abstract: The chorology of Rumex patientia (subspp. patientia, recurvatus, orientalis), R. obtusifolius (subspp. obtusifolius, sylvestris, subalpinis, transiens), R. crispus (subsp. crispus, var. crispus, var. unicallosus, var. strisctissimus and subsp. robustus), R. kerneri, R. maritimus and R. aquaticus in Bulgaria has been updated. The specimens deposited in the Bulgarian herbaria (SOM, SOA and SO) and the herbaria in Vienna (W and WU) have been revised. For R. patientia, R. obtusifolius, and R. crispus and their intraspecific taxa as well as for R. kerneri, and R. maritimus new localities have been reported. The study has not confirmed R. aquaticus for the Bulgarian flora. New taxa of R. crispus (subsp. robustus and var. strictissimus) have been discovered in the country. The localities of the studied taxa are presented on UTM-grid maps.

Райчева Цв. 2009.
Критична преоценка на разпространението на някои таксони от Rumex подрод Rumex в България – 2
Phytologia Balcanica, 15(2): 155-169.

[цитирано в: | cited in:]

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