Стоянов & Денев 2010. Регионално молекулярно-таксономично изследване на Orobanche sect. Glandulosae чрез ISSR маркери

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Стоянов К. & Денев Ил. 2010.
Регионално молекулярно-таксономично изследване на Orobanche sect. Glandulosae чрез ISSR маркери
Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие Традиции и предизвикателства пред аграрното образование, наука и бизнес. Научни трудове на Аграрен университет – Пловдив, 55 (2): 101-106.

Stoyanov K. & Denev Il. 2010.
Regional molecular-taxonomic evaluation of Orobanche sect. Glandulosae using ISSR markers
Jubilee Scientific conference with International Participation Traditions and Challenges of agricultural Education, Science and Business. Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, 55 (2): 101-106

key words: Orobanche, Glandulosae, ISSR, PCR, microsatelites, molecular, taxonomy

Abstract: Genus Orobanche is represented by 18 species in Bulgaria. Samples were collected from different places in Bulgaria inhabited by four representatives of Orobanche subsect. Glandulosae (O. alba, O. reticulata subsp. pallidiflora, O. serbica and O. pancicii). The flower buds were used to isolate genomic DNA and run PCR reactions with five ISSR primers. The amplified polymorphic bands were scored, processed by cluster analysis and used to build consequent cladogram. This confirmed the grouping of the known species. However the group of O. alba showed quite high diversity. Because the method is free of environment influence this approach could be used for better understanding of taxonomic relationships in Orobanche.

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