Райчева & Радев, 2012. Флорална специализация на медоносната пчела (Apis mellifera) в урбанизирани условия

Райчева, Цв. & Радев, Ж. 2012.
Флорална специализация на медоносната пчела (Apis mellifera L.) в урбанизирани условия (град Чирпан, Тракийска низина).
Екология и Бъдеще,  Научно списание за селскостопанска и горска наука 11(4): 78-81.

Raycheva, Ts. & Radev Zh. 2012.
Floral Specialization of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) in Urban Condition (Chirpan Town, Thracian Lowland).
Journal of Agricultural Science and Forest Science 11(4): 78-81.

Taken and analyzed 30 pollen samples from pollen traps on 3 colonies under conditions of urban environment. Experience is set close to the cultural crops of maize (Zea mays), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) near Institute of field crops Chirpan town. Identified is pollen from 11 species visited by honey bee colonies in the period of flowering of honey plants. The biggest contribution as sources of pollen and nectar are cultural crops and wild weeds of family Asteraceae. The data showed that the three colonies have different floral specialization.
Established is different in terms of percentage of pollen in the three families. This is a reason considered that specialization preferences for plant species at a level bee colony.

Key words: Apis mellifera, Bulgaria, Chirpan town, pollen, floral specialization, honey plants

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