Янчев & Райчева 2004. Морфолого-анатомично проучване на съцветието при 4 сорта Lavandula angustifolia

Янчев Ив., Цв.Райчева. 2004.
Морфолого-анатомично проучване на съцветието при 4 сорта Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
Пета научно-техническа конференция с международно участие "Екология и здраве", 20 май 2004, Пловдив. Сборник доклади, 53-56.

Yanchev, Iv., Tz. Raycheva. 2004.
Morphological and anatomical research of the raceme in four varieties Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
5'th scientific-technical conferrence "Ecology and Health", May 20'th, Plovdiv. Reports. 53-56.

Abstract: Some morphologic and anatomical characteristics of inflorescence, structure and topography of glandular and cover trichomes in four varieties of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. have been studied. Three types of glandular trichomes were described. The macro- and micromorphological data were statistically processed.

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