Stojchev & Cheshmedziev, 2005. Anatomical investigation on Lindernia dubia and L. procumbens

Stojchev, G. & I. Cheshmedziev. 2005.
Anatomical investigation on Lindernia dubia Pennell and L. procumbens (Krocker) Philcox.
Proceedings of the Balkan scientific conference of Biology in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 19th till 21st of May 2005 (eds. B. Gruev, M. Nikolova and A. Donev), 2005 (p. 248–256)

Abstract: The horology of Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox and L. dubia (L.) Pennell in Bulgarian flora was established. A comparative anatomical study of leaves, stems and flower stalks, as well as scanning electron microscopic analysis of the spermoderm were carried out. Variability of the studied characteristics was presented.

Стойчев, Г. & Чешмеджиев Ил. 2005.
Анатомично изследване на Lindernia dubia Pennell и L. procumbens (Krocker) Philcox.
Проучена е хорологията на Lindernia procumbens и L. dubia в българската флора. Направен е SEM-анализ на спермодермата. Проведено е сравнително анатомично изследване на двата вида.

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