Узунджалиева & Иванова, 2005. Сравнителен анализ на видовете от род Crocus

К. Узунджалиева, И. Иванова. 2005.
Сравнителен анализ на видовете от род Crocus L., разпространени в България
Юбилейна научна конференция "Състояние и проблеми на аграрната наука и образование”, Сборник Научни трудове на АУ-Пловдив, 50(6): 199-204.

K. Uzundzhalieva, I. Ivanova. 2005.
Comparative analysis of the species from genus Crocus L. in Bulgaria
Jubilee scientific conference "State-of-the-art and problems of agricultural science and education”, Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, 50(6): 199-204.

Abstract: The aim of the current study is to make comparative analyses of the species from the genus Crocus L. in Bulgaria, based on the results from morphological, anatomical and cluster analyses. The results show identity in the arrangement of the species in groups between morphological study and the cluster analyses, while the results from the anatomical investigation show much different arrangement in groups.

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