Stoyanov K. 2009.
Chorology and critical notes on Orobanche subsect. Minores in Bulgaria
Phytologia Balcanica, 15(3): 351-360.
Abstract: New collected material of genus Orobanche sect. Orobanche subsect. Minores and both specimen existing in Bulgarian herbaria and data published before are revised and used for creation of maps. The chorological data about the species and intraspecific taxa are reconsidered. New data were added for: O. minor (4 regions, 1 subregion), O. amethystea (2 regions, 2 subregions), O. esulae (3 regions, 1 subregion), O. pubescens (2 subregions), O. loricata (4 regions, 2 subregions), O. crenata (4 regions, 3 subregions), The host plants are discussed comparing both herbarium data and literature reviewed.
Стоянов К. 2009.
Хорология и критични бележки на Orobanche subsect. Minores в България
Phytologia Balcanica, 15(3): 351-360.
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