Radoukova 2009. Analysis of the Vegetation Covering Under the Influence of the Different Abundance of Juniperus sibirica

Radoukova Tz. 2009.
Analysis of the Vegetation Covering Under the Influence of the Different Abundance of Juniperus sibirica in Two Zones of the Central Balkan Mountain
Velcheva I., Tsekov A. (eds.), Proceedings of the Anniversary Scientific Conference of Ecology, Nov. 1st. 2008, 36-46.

Abstract: The composition of the vegetative communities over two zones of the alpine woodless part of the Central Balkan Mountain has been examined. The description 2 of the varieties has been realized in experimental areas with size 16 m , chosen according to the different abundance of Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. – from 0 to 100%. The analysis carried out showed that the number of registered varieties over terrains abundant in juniper from 0 to 40% is almost the same. In the case of abundance of J. sibirica over 50%, and especially over 75%, the varieties composition in the communities decreases almost by half. The high inclination and breaking of the terrains from the one part, and the soil-protective and strengthening role of the juniper bushes from the other part, determines the necessity to limit the invasion over J. sibirica up to 40-50%, and not to her complete elimination.

Key words: Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., phytogeography, ecology, communitiеs.

Радукова Ц. 2009.
Анализ на растителната покривка под влияние от различно обилие на Juniperus sibirica върху две зони от Централна Стара Планина
Велчева И., Цеков, А. (ред.), Юбилейна научна конференция по екология (сборник с доклади), 1.11.2008., Пловдив, 36-46.

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