Radoukova, 2009. Anatomical mutability of the leaf epidermis in two species of Fraxinus in a region with autotransport pollution.

Radoukova T. 2009.
Anatomical mutability of the leaf epidermis in two species of Fraxinus L. in a region with autotransport pollution
XI Anniversary Scientific Conference 120 years of Academic Education in Biology. 45 years Faculty of Biology. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. eq. 23 (special ed./on-line) 405-409.

Abstract: The reaction of the cover tissue of leaves from Fraxinus americana L. and Fr. ?ensylvanica toward the impact of pollutants from the intensive public transport in Plovdiv has been determined. The comparative analysis between the form and the number of the basic epidermal cells and the size and number of stomata has been carried out by samples put under strong pollution and samples, where the pollution is weak or missing. According to the degee of xeromorphism by the two species, the possibility of using them in phytomonitoring system has been determined.

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