Димитрова & Райчева 2010. Етноботаниката и съвременното аграрно образование в България

Димитрова Д. & Райчева Цв. 2010.
Етноботаниката и съвременното аграрно образование в България
Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие Традиции и предизвикателства пред аграрното образование, наука и бизнес. Научни трудове на Аграрен университет – Пловдив, 55 (2): 333-338.

Dimitrova D. & Raycheva Tz. 2010.
Ethnobotany and modern agrarian education in Bulgaria
Jubilee Scientific conference with International Participation Traditions and Challenges of agricultural Education, Science and Business. Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, 55 (2): 333-338.

key words: Bulgaria, ethnobotanical research, sustainable local development, modern agrarian education

Abstract: Nowadays, there is a strong interest towards modern topics and tools in all aspects of the higher education. The ethnobotanical science provides approaches that are relevant to the needs for sustainable development of rural areas in Bulgaria and strengthens the links between biological and cultural diversity in the country. Ethnobotanical research can be summarized as follows: study of local varieties as a source for adapted and endurable planting material in areas with unfavourable climatic condition; study of local gastronomic knowledge and the use of local cultivated and wild plants and its implementation in the development of tourist animation in rural areas; use of the local natural resources for the development of small-scale food industries in parts of Bulgaria that are lacking behind economically.

    [цитирано в: | cited in:]

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