Стоянов К. 2012. Материали и критични бележки за Orobanche subsect. Galeatae в България

Стоянов К. 2012.
Материали и критични бележки за род Orobanche subsect. Galeatae в България
В: Петрова А. (ред.), Секционни доклади VII национална конференция по ботаника. София 29-30 септ. 2011, 297-303. Българско ботаническо дружество, София. ISBN 978-954-92808-2-1

Stoyanov, K. 2012.
Materials and critical notes on genus Orobanche subsect. Galeatae in Bulgaria
In: Petrova, A. (ed.), Proc. VII Natl. Conf. Bot., 29–30.09.2011, Sofia, pp. 297-303. Bulg. Bot. Soc., Sofia. ISBN 978-954-92808-2-1

Abstract: The collections of Bulgarian representatives of Orobanche subsect. Galeatae, deposited in the herbaria in Bulgaria are revised. Chorological maps are prepared, according to the data from the literature and the herbar sheets. New data are reported for O. caryophyllacea (1 region), O. lutea (2 regions, 1 subregion) and O. teucrii (2 regions).

Изследването е осъществено с финансова помощ по проекти AT-TAF-3133 и ES-TAF-4407 (SYNTHESYS, European Community – Research infrastructure Action under the FP6 "Structuring the European research area” Program); ДТК 02/40 (НФНИ към МОМН), ERA 117 и NATO (grant CLG 983884).

    [цитирано в: | cited in:]

  1. Petrova A. & Vladimirov V. 2018. Recent progress in floristic and taxonomic studies in Bulgaria. Botanica Serbica, 42(1): 35-69.Scopus
  2. CBD Sixth National report 2014-2018 to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Ministry of Environment and Water, Republic of Bulgaria

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