Карамфилова & Стоянов. 2015. Инвентаризация на сем. Hyacinthaceae, подсем. Hyacinthoideae в SOA

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Карамфилова И. & Стоянов К. 2015.

Инвентаризация на сем. Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh подсем. Hyacinthoideae в хербариума на АУ-Пловдив (SOA)

Аграрен университет – Пловдив, Научни трудове, 59(1): 63-70.

Karamfilova I. & Stoyanov K. 2015.

Inventory of familly Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh subfam. Hyacinthoideae in the Herbarium of Agricultural University (SOA)

Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Scientific works, 59(1): 63-70.

Familly Hyacinthaceae subfam. Hyacinthoideae is represented in Bulgaria by 4 genera: Bellevalia Lapeyr., Hyacinthella Schur., Muscari Mill. and Scilla L.
The study is observation of the whole recent collecion of the subfamilly, stored in the Herbarium of Agricultural University – Plovdiv (SOA). The collection consists 323 herbar sheets (254 bulgarian and 69 from abroad), representing 3 genera with 12 species. The chorological information from the literature and from the herbar specimens is databased and mapped. Genus Bellevalia is represented in SOA by only foreign species. The widespread species Hyacinthella leucophaea, Muscari botryoides, M. comosum, M. neglectum (s.s.) and M. tenuiflorum are poorly represented in the collection. Taxa like Muscari pulchellum, M. racemosum and M. vandasii are approximately well represented. The Scilla genus is well represented. Inspite of the ralatively low representativeness, the Hyacinthoideae collection of SOA is important recource for the taxonomical and chorological investigations in this group.

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