Райчева, Димитрова, Цонева. 2005. Род Rumex в ливадите и пасищата на България

Цв. Райчева, Д. Димитрова, С. Цонева. 2005.
Род Rumex L. (Polygonaceae) в ливадите и пасищата на България
Научна конференция „Природни науки’2005” Варна. Шуменски Университет – Факултет Природни науки. (само резюме | absrtact only)

Tz. Raycheva, D. Dimitrova, S. Tsoneva. 2005.
Genus Rumex L. (Polygonaceae) in the meadows and pastures of Bulgaria.
Scientific conference „Natural sciences’2005” Varna. Shumen University – Faculty of Natural sciences. (само резюме | absrtact only)

Abstract. The herbaceous communities, in which Rumex species participate and identificated of the concrete Rumex species have been studyed. Calculated of the participation of the Rumex species in the natural and seminatural pastures and meadows. Identificated of the major species accompanying Rumex in the herbaceous communities. The ecological requirements (abiotic and biotic) of the genus Rumex and revealing the factors favouring its distribution in plant communities have been studyed. An attempt is made for assessment of docks and sorrels as indicators of the quality of the management of pastures and meadows.

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