Карайчева & Райчева 2018. Хорология на род Asparagus в България

Карайчева Г. & Райчева Цв. 2018.
Хорология на род Asparagus L. в България.
Аграрен университет – Пловдив, Научни трудове, 61(1): 37-47. DOI: 10.22620/sciworks.2018.01.005

Karaycheva G. & Raycheva Ts. 2018.
Chorology of genus Asparagus L. in Bulgaria.
Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific works, 61(1): 37-47. DOI: 10.22620/sciworks.2018.01.005

The study is an observation of whole recent collections of deposed materials in three nationals herbaria (whith abbreviation according to Index Herbariorum – SOM, SO, SOA) and some author`s collection of genus Asparagus L. Notes of chorology and ecology of the mentioned species are given. Generalized chorological data on the genus Asparagus are given on the maps. Available information is indicated for the more limited distribution of A. tenuifolius and A. officinalis although literature date is throughout of the whole country. Asparagus acutifolius is widespread in South Bulgaria, but it has not been reported so far for West Frontier Mts, South Pirin Mts and Thracian Lowland. Asparagus verticillatus is not reported for Rila Mts and Tundzha Hilly Country in the main floristic sources. The uncertain presence of some taxa in Bulgarian flora is discussed. The distribution of A. brachyphyllus, A. trichophyllus and A. aphyllus in Bulgarian flora is doubtful because there is lacking actuality collections and literature date for these species. Further research is needed to gather information about establishing their participation in Bulgarian flora.

Keywords: Asparagus, chorology, herbarium inventory.

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