Stoyanov& Raycheva 2012. Status of Dianthus L. collection in the herbarium of Agricultural university

Stoyanov K.H. & Raycheva Ts.G. 2012.
Status of Dianthus L. collection in the herbarium of Agricultural university – Plovdiv (SOA).
В: Титок В. Интродукция, сохранение и использование биологического разнообразия мирвой флоры. Материалы Международной конференции, посвященной 80-летию центрального ботанического сада Национальной академии наук Беларуси (19-22 июня 2012м Минск, Беларусь) Нац. акад. Наук Беларуси, Центр. ботан. сад; Минск, 1: 15-17

Stoyanov K.H. & Raycheva Ts.G. 2012.
Status of Dianthus L. collection in the herbarium of Agricultural university – Plovdiv (SOA).
In: Titok V. Inroduction, conservation and sustainable use of plant biological diversity. Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (19-22 June 2012, Minsk, Belarus) National acad.Sci. Belarus, Centr. bot garden; Minsk, 1: 15-17.

The status of the digitized part of Dianthus L. collection was discussed. The data were compared to the existing data of the recent floristic literature in Bulgaria. The collection distribution was displayed using chorological maps.

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