Стоянов & Райчева. 2015. Анализ на флората в местността „Острова“ – Пловдив

PDFБиблиотека АУ Стоянов К. & Райчева Цв. 2015.
Анализ на флората в местността „Острова“ – Пловдив.
Аграрен университет – Пловдив, Научни трудове, 59(2): 27-34. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „Традиции и предизвикателства пред аграрното образование, наука и бизнес“

Stoyanov K. & Raycheva Tz. 2015.
Analysis of the flora of the „Ostrova“ locality, Plovdiv.
Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, 59(2): 27-34. Jubilee Scientific Conference with International Participation. Traditions and Challenges of Agricultural Education, Science and Business

The article represents the flora of the suburban locality Ostrova in Plovdiv. Although the place is used as a city park and sports area, its biodiversity is high (39% of all plant species in Plovdiv), and has the characteristics of the authentic local flora (51% of the species of the local wild flora). The area is included in the Natura – 2000 network zones Reka Maritsa and Maritsa Plovdiv. The quota of the adventive species is low (only 5%). Seven species are protected by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Law. Eight of the species have a conservation status. The results suggest the need for better regulations for the environmental protection of that locality.

    [цитирано в: | cited in:]

  1. Petrova A. & Vladimirov V. 2018. Recent progress in floristic and taxonomic studies in Bulgaria. Botanica Serbica, 42(1): 35-69. Scopus
  2. CBD Sixth National report 2014-2018 to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Ministry of Environment and Water, Republic of Bulgaria

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