Стоянов & Райчева, 2013. Анализ на растителността на Добростанския рид

Стоянов К. & Райчева Цв. 2013.
Анализ на растителността на Добростанския рид (Средни Родопи).
Екология и бъдеще, 12 (1): 39-44

Stoyanov K. & Raycheva Tz. 2013.
Analysis of the vegetation of Dobrostan Ridge (Middle Rhodpes Mts.).
Journal of Agricultural Science and Forest Science, 12(1): 39-44

The presented study was held during the period 2002-2012 on the territory of Middle Rhodope Mts. – Dobrostan Ridge. 462 species were observed presenting 249 genera and 87 families of the vascular flora of Bulgaria. The taxonomical structure by biological type is discussed according to the biological type and blossoming period.

    [цитирано в: | cited in:]

  1. Petrova A. & Vladimirov V. 2018. Recent progress in floristic and taxonomic studies in Bulgaria. Botanica Serbica, 42(1): 35-69. Scopus
  2. CBD Sixth National report 2014-2018 to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Ministry of Environment and Water, Republic of Bulgaria

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