Stoyanov, Vasileva, Stoyanov & Raycheva 2021. Genetic differentiation between species of the genus Crocus based in the isoenzyme analysis

PDFStoyanov I., Vasileva P., Stoyanov K. & Raycheva T. 2021.
Genetic differentiation between species of the genus Crocus based in the isoenzyme analysis
Ecology & Safety, 15: 161-169.

30th International Conference
16-19 August 2021
Burgas, Bulgaria

This preliminary study represents data for the electrophoretic variations in the expression of the enzyme superoxide dismutase in six species of genus Crocus. Polymorphism at two superoxide dismutase loci was reported, with two alleles at the locus Sod-1 (Sod-1 100 и Sod-1 89) and three alleles at the locus Sod4 (Sod-4 100, Sod-4 90 and Sod-4 78). A comparative analysis of allelic frequencies was made and the degree
of genetic differentiation between the studied species was characterized. The genetic distance according
to Nei was determined and the phylogenetic dependences at the interspecific level were analyzed.

This work was financially supported by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria (Project “Biodiversity and taxonomic structure of Iridaceae Juss. In Bulgarian flora” number KP-06-N31/5). The authors thank Ivan Kostadinov and Vladimir Trifonov for the collected plant material.

Keywords: isozymes, superoxide dismutase, genus Crocus, genetic distance

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