Stoyanov K. 2013. Report 109

Stoyanov K. 2013.
Report 109.
In: Vladimirov V., Dane F., Stefanovic V., Tan K. New floristic records in the Balkans: 22. Phytologia Balcanica, 19(2): 267-303.

109. Orobanche hederae Duby
Bu. Rhodopi Mts. (Central): along river Slivodolska, Chervenata Stena Reserve, 435 m, 41°55'17"N,24°50'06"E, LG24, parasiting on the roots of Hedera helix, 04.07.2013, coll. K. Stoyanov & Ts. Raycheva.
A new species to Bulgaria. Reported from Greece, Former Yugoslavia and Turkey.

    [цитирано в: | cited in:]

  1. Petrova A. & Vladimirov V. 2018. Recent progress in floristic and taxonomic studies in Bulgaria. Botanica Serbica, 42(1): 35-69. Scopus
  2. CBD Sixth National report 2014-2018 to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Ministry of Environment and Water, Republic of Bulgaria

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