Stoyanov & al. 2015. Status of the Herbarium of Agricultural University (SOA)

Stoyanov K., Raycheva T., Petrova R., Yanchev I. 2015.
Status of the Herbarium of Agricultural University – Plovdiv (SOA)

Scientia Agriculturae, 12 (3), 2015: 122-125.
DOI: 10.15192/PSCP.SA.2015.12.3.122125

The Herbarium of Agricultural University – Plovdiv (SOA, according to Index Herbariorum) holds valued specimens. Some of them are collected about one century ago as presented by different authors. SOA consists of more than 120000 specimens of Bulgarian vascular flora, which are collected from various floristic regions. The accessions hold information for the plant diversity in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. This article describes the reorganization of the collections and the databased information of the herbarium.

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