Димитрова, Райчева & Цонева, 2005. Състояние на подрод Rumex в България

Д. Димитрова, Цв. Райчева, С. Цонева. 2005. Състояние на подрод Rumex (Polygonaceae) в България. Юбилейна научна конференция "Състояние и проблеми на аграрната наука и образование”, Сборник Научни трудове на АУ-Пловдив, 50(5): 213-218.

D. Dimitrova, Tz. Raycheva, S. Tzoneva. 2005.
State of subgenus Rumex (Polygonaceae) in Bulgaria
Jubilee scientific conference "State-of-the-art and problems of agricultural science and education”, Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, 50(5): 213-218.

Abstract: Subgenus Rumex is distributed wideworld. It is characterized by high distribution potential, active hybridization and high ecologic plasticity. Since 1960s until 2003 the Bulgarian representatives have not been systematically studied. The present paper reveals the current state of knowledge and the existing gaps. It shows as well the methods that will be used and potential impact of the results of the planned study.

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