Стоянов 2013. Разпространение и екологични особености на Orobanche gracilis в България

Стоянов К. 2013.
Разпространение и екологични особености на Orobanche gracilis в България.
Екология и бъдеще – Научно списание за селскостопанска и горска наука, 12(2), 22-30.

Stoyanov К. 2013.
Distribution and Environmental Characteristics of Orobanche gracilis in Bulgaria.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Forest Science, 12(2), 22-30.

The distribution of Orobanche gracilis and its infraspecific taxa in Bulgaria are investigated using recent herbar sheets and data from the literature. One subregion is added to the distribution of O. gracilis var. sprunerii. The trophic and phytosociological relationships are observed. The exclusion of O. rapum-genistae from Bulgarian flora is commented.

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