Стоянов К. & Денев И. 2012. Изследване междувидовите отношения при българските представители на сем. Orobanchaceae посредством ISSR маркери

Стоянов К. & Денев И. 2012.
Изследване междувидовите отношения при българските представители на сем. Orobanchaceae посредством ISSR маркери
В: Петрова, А. (ред.) Секционни доклади VII национална конференция по ботаника. София 29-30 септ. 2011, 321-331. Българско ботаническо дружество, София. ISBN 978-954-92808-2-1

Stoyanov, K. & Denev, I. 2012
Investigation of the interspecific relationships between Bulgarian representatives of Orobanchaceae using ISSR markers
In: Petrova, A. (ed.), Proc. VII Natl. Conf. Bot., 29–30.09.2011, Sofia, pp. 321-331. Bulg. Bot. Soc., Sofia. ISBN 978-954-92808-2-1

Abstract: Microsatellite markers were used for evaluation of the biodiversity and phylogenetic relationships between Bulgarian representatives of the family Orobanchaceae. The plants were collected from various locations in the country. The DNA was isolated from the flowering stems and used as template for ISSR-PCR reactions. Eight out of 16 primers were selected for this study. The ISSR products were separated on agarose gel and visualized by UV-light. The molecular masses of the products were determined and used to fill Boolean matrices that were subjected to cluster analysis. Representatives from genus Lathraea (Scrophulariaceae) were used for external controls. The consequent cladograms, based on the average Euclidean distances, displayed clear grouping by species. Genus Lathraea was clearly separated from the representatives of Orobanchaceae. The representatives of subsect. Minores were grouped in a separate cluster, as well as O. gracilis and O. cumana. Orobanche cumana showed genetic variability that depended on the host. The molecular markers confirmed the existence of O. caryophyllacea var. macrolepis and O. gracilis var. sprunerii.

Благодарности: Изследването е осъществено благодарение на финансовата подкрепа по проекти ИФС/Б-606 , ДТК 02/40, BG051PO001-3.3.04/17 (НФНИ към МОМН), NATO grant CLG 983884 и ERA 117.

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