Радев & Райчева, 2012. Сезонна динамика на медоносната растителност за района на село Белозем

Радев, Ж. & Райчева Цв. 2012.
Сезонна динамика на медоносната растителност за района на село Белозем (Пловдивска област).
Екология и Бъдеще. Научно списание за селскостопанска и горска наука, 11(2): 37-42.

Radev, Zh. & Raycheva Ts. 2012.
Seasonal Dynamics of Honey Plants in Belozem Region (Plovdiv District)
Journal of Agricultural Science and Forest Science, 11(2): 37-42.

A list of common natural, introduced and cultivated honey plants from vascular plants near Belozem, Plovdiv region were make, in connection with the development of beekeeping. Analyzed the taxonomic structure of vascular plants in the survey area were identified 133 species from 115 genera and 47 families. Account of seasonal dynamics in the year up a calendar of flowering in arious vegetation periods was taken. An evaluation of quantitative and qualitative reserve of natural honey and introduced plants and assess the possibilities for their exploitation were made.

Key words: Bulgaria, flora, systematic structure, honey plants

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