Stoyanov, 2003. Documentation System in Herbarium of Agricultural University of Plovdiv

Stoyanov, K. 2003.
Documentation System in Herbarium of Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Journal of Balkan Ecology, 6(1): 28-34

Abstract: The paper deals with the development of a convenient system for herbarium management. We included 100 000 herbarium samples in the system. It is an useful tool for documentation and data analysis of the biodiversity collections.

Key words: herbarium, biodiversity collection, database, documentation

Stoyanov, K. 2003.
Система за документация в Хербариума на Аграрен университет – Пловдив, България
Journal of Balkan Ecology, 6(1): 28-34

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  4. Raycheva Tz. & Dimitrova D. 2007. Critical reassessment of the distribution of some taxa of Rumex subg. Rumex (Polygonaceae) in Bulgaria. Phytologia balcanica, 13(2): 141-152
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  6. Raycheva Tz. 2009. Critical reassessment of the distribution of some taxa of Rumex subgenus Rumex (Polygonaceae) in Bulgaria – 2. Phytologia balcanica, 15(2): 155-169.
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